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CE Sponsor Number 6404

Unlock Your Career Potential with Online Education!

Renewrelicense Exam Tips | 25 Jun, 2024

by Kartik Subramaniam

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

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Welcome aboard our educational journey to renew your real estate license! Enjoy the freedom to navigate through the course at your convenience on any preferred device. Should you need assistance, our customer support team is readily available through the chat below Monday-Friday 8a-5p PST.

We kindly ask you to review the crucial information provided below:

California Department of Real Estate Disclaimer Statement: This course is approved for continuing education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors, or lecturers.

Adherence to California Department of Real Estate Standards: Our course diligently follows the regulations for distance learning as established by the California Department of Real Estate, ensuring compliance with all guidelines.

Time Management for Course Completion: You may complete final exams for a maximum of 15 credit hours every 24 hours. The system calculates the minimum days needed based on an 8-hour daily study limit from the start of the course access. To qualify for the final exam, you must fulfill the required study hours and pass all necessary assessments, with time tracking commencing upon course initiation.

Course Format Options: Each course segment is accessible through one learning mode.

Correspondence Option: Downloadable ebooks for each course segment allow you to read at your convenience and take the corresponding Unit and Final Exams as they become available.

Final Exam Attempts and Timing:

You will have two opportunities to pass the final exam. Failure to pass after two attempts necessitates re-enrollment and course retake, as per California regulations, at no extra cost.

All final exams are under a strict time limit, which will be shown on a timer. Failure to complete the exam within this period will result in automatic submission and grading of provided responses.

Post-exam, only the score—pass or fail—is disclosed, with no further details provided, in line with state regulations.

Completion Process and Requirements:

To complete the process, you'll need to undergo the digital signature procedure and provide your driver's license number. Your completion certificate is contingent upon the completion of this step.

Keep in mind that courses expire one year from enrollment, with specific dates available in your account.

We wish you the very best in your learning endeavors!

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